Murat Karayılan

From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 9" Subject: Kandil'den beklenen ilk ac?klama - - 25.04.2013 Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 14:13:03 +0900 MIME ... Murat Karayılan (Kurdish: Mirad Qarayîlan ‎) (born 1954), also nicknamed Cemal, is one of the co-founders of the Kurdistan Workers' Party. He has been the organization PKK's acting leader since its original founder and leader, Abdullah Öcalan, was captured in 1999 by Turkish intelligence agents. On 2014, he left the PKK leader position and was assigned as the new commander-in-chief of the ...

Murat Karayılan (d. 5 Haziran 1954; Birecik, Şanlıurfa), PKK kurucularından ve KCK Yürütme Konseyi üyesi. Günümüzde PKK'nın silahlı kanadı olan Halk Savunma Güçleri'nin (HPG) liderliğini yapmaktadır.. Hayatı. Murat Karayılan 5 Haziran 1954'de Şanlıurfa'nın Birecik ilçesinde doğdu. Yüksekokul'da makine bölümünü bitirdi. 1979'da PKK'ya katıldı. "Cemal" kod adın

This isn't my work, just something I found and thought it could be shared here. TRANSNATIONAL: KCK (Koma Civakên Kurdistan / Group of Communities in Kurdistan) Leader: Abdullah Öcalan aka Apo Established in 2007 to promote the ideology of Democratic Confederalism formulated by Öcalan following his arrest in 1999. Functions as a transnational umbrella organization for the various ... Die von Murat Karay=C4= =B1lan und Emine Ayna vorgebrachte Behauptung, wonach es aufgrund jugendtyp= ischer Dynamiken und der laufenden milit=C3=A4rischen Operationen des Staat= es f=C3=BCr Kandil immer schwieriger w=C3=BCrde, die YDG-H noch zu leiten, = sup>89) ist im Lichte der bekannten KCK-Dokumente unglaubw=C3=BCrdig.= Was Koban=C3=AA und Rojava als neue Faktoren einbrachten, waren Enthusiasm= us und ein Glaube, die =E2=80=9Edemokratische Autonomie=E2=80=9C selbstst= =C3=A4ndig und ... Marcus Wolf- Modern Mali Conflict In 2012, after a coup against the Malian government, a conflict broke out between multiple parties. The coup was a mutiny launched by the Malian Army, who were unhappy about the way their government was treating yet another Tuareg rebellion.

Murat Karayılan. Sar=C4=B1kaya probably refers to these troops when he reports in great d= etail on Murat Karay=C4=B1lan=E2=80=99s instrumentalisation of the intellig= ence service for internal power struggles. 27 They are also tasked with persona= l protection; 28 = special forces elements can therefore be found in the HQ at th= e Zab, and with the People=E2=80=99s Congress in Xinere and Xakurki. = Die von Murat Karay=C4= =B1lan und Emine Ayna vorgebrachte Behauptung, wonach es aufgrund jugendtyp= ischer Dynamiken und der laufenden milit=C3=A4rischen Operationen des Staat= es f=C3=BCr Kandil immer schwieriger w=C3=BCrde, die YDG-H noch zu leiten, = sup>89) ist im Lichte der bekannten KCK-Dokumente unglaubw=C3=BCrdig.= Was Koban=C3=AA und Rojava als neue Faktoren einbrachten, waren Enthusiasm= us und ein Glaube, die =E2=80=9Edemokratische Autonomie=E2=80=9C selbstst= =C3=A4ndig und ... This isn't my work, just something I found and thought it could be shared here. TRANSNATIONAL: KCK (Koma Civakên Kurdistan / Group of Communities in Kurdistan) Leader: Abdullah Öcalan aka Apo Established in 2007 to promote the ideology of Democratic Confederalism formulated by Öcalan following his arrest in 1999. Functions as a transnational umbrella organization for the various ... Marcus Wolf- Modern Mali Conflict In 2012, after a coup against the Malian government, a conflict broke out between multiple parties. The coup was a mutiny launched by the Malian Army, who were unhappy about the way their government was treating yet another Tuareg rebellion.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids were a series of operations, performed by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), against the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), a Kurdish rebel group. The operations began in July 2011, and have included attacks on PJAK bases in Iranian territory, penetration into Iraqi Kurdistan territory, bombing of PJAK associated bases and villages in Kurdish ... From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 9" Subject: =?iso-2022-jp?B?S2FyYXk/bGFuOiAyMyBNYXJ0J3RhbiBpdGliYXJlbiAbJEIhRhsoQg==?= =?iso-2022-jp?B ... That's how the native element disappeared. Turkmen ancestry 20% Aralid/Turanid ( closer to Mongoloid ) 80% Pamirid/Turanid ( closer to Caucasoid )

Pkk elebaslari karayilan ve bayik in korumaligini da yapan 2

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Karayilan ne demis oldu al jazeera turk ortadogu

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Murat karayilan abd ile tum kurtler arasindaki muazzam

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